Thursday, March 31, 2011

Close but not yet...soon

I've had some decent attempts at the CoC #2 this month but still need to strengthen up my hands some more before I get it. Thankfully the calluses are starting to kick in. Noticing a bit of pain on the front part of my middle finger near the knuckle. Still cautious training my left.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Strength Imbalance

Grip Dynamometer Test revealed the following

64 kgs left
71 kgs right

Both of these values were from just one attempt, suppose they could be slightly higher. Minor tear in my left shoulder from last weekend’s workout and it continues to protest whenever I try to exercise it. Ho hum. Still hoping to get the #2 closed by the end of the month.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This is a problem

Usually (but not always) when I see a video online of a fellow completing a one arm chin he looks like he weights about 140-160 pounds. After this KTA cycle I should be able to close the #2 CoC gripper ideally by the end of March. Given my weight I'll probably have to try to slim down to 185-190 pounds and mash the #2.5 CoC before my grip strength isn't a limiting factor.

Time to make a meal plan and start doing some mad cardio I suppose - this would be easier if I wasn't subjected to cafeteria food and Transport Canada exams but such is life.